Wow, its been a busy week and I’m behind!
Let’s see Wed Oct 25 was the AEHOG Halloween costume party. I went as an embattled hockey player and Darlene went as a sexy referee! We rode our bikes, although it had rained earlier in the day and the official dinner ride was cancelled. Great turnout at the restaurant although the folks that rode on bikes were in short supply! Great costumes overall and I took lots of pictures.
Friday night I took Ryan, Corey and Jake to the LG Action Sports Championship at Reunion Arena. Marc went with other friends. We got there just before 6 and got to our seats about 6:30 or so I guess. Show started just before 7:00. BMX prelims were first up, these guys were great. Only one I recognized was Ryan Nyquist, but the young guy from Venezuela was incredible. Then was the Freestyle Motocross demos, these guys are pretty talented to be able to work in the confined areas they work in. I wanted to see the Skateboard Vert prelims and was not disappointed. Bob Burnquist took top qualifier, and other top and great skaters included Bucky Lasik, Andy MacDonald, Pierre Luc Gagnon (go Canada!) and some guy from Brazil, Sandro Dias that was really good. Also during warmups was the inline skaters – including Fabiola De Silva and then the street skaters after the bmx was done. Those guys were very good and fast! The show lasted till quite late about 10:40, then the Deftones came on to play, there were a lot of fans just to see the band. Unfortunately the arena was set up for the events and the sound was a bit muddy, especially with their style of music. Some interesting sights though!
Saturday was a pretty relaxing day, I took a bit of a ride, and then Sat night we went to Bill Davenport’s 50th birthday party. Waaayyy out north of Denton, great setup though. Very nice house and property, full band and tent set up outside. A lot of the AE crew was there but took off pretty early of course the party started at 6 and some of them were there pretty early. We along with Dave Barnes and Jerry stayed late I think we left well after 1:00 as we got home about 3 am. Thankfully it was fall back so it was only 2:00….
Sunday I tackled the shed door, got that pretty well all finished except for caulk and paint but I realized I forgot one piece of trim. Also replaced part of the floor and reinforced one of the joists that had pretty much rotted out. We also trimmed the fence gates. That pretty much took all day, or at least all afternoon.
Oh yeah, the Cowboys won huge Sunday night!!!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Rock and Roll
This past Saturday was the LOH sponsored Rock and Roll ride to Leonard Texas, just a bit east of here. We went to the dealership to ride with the group and I guess we put on a total of about 200 miles maybe a bit less, I never really paid that much attention to it. It was a good ride, not too large a group. The roll part of the ride was a short 2-3 mile stretch at the end. After that we finished up Darlene’s red book.
Darlene was supposed to have her Advanced Rider’s Edge course on Sunday. She left about 6:30 and had to go to Texas Motor Speedway. She didn’t make it as it was very cold and her bike does not operate well in cold weather. Ultimately she came back home as she was unable to get to the course.
Monday night was Plano Photography Club night. I had only one entry submitted, I got 12 points but was in the middle of the pack, I really wasn’t expecting a lot from it. The speaker was all about Scrapbooking, it was ok I guess. I submitted two in Open for October but again, not expecting much. Next month is S-curves, I really need to get something in for that. I have some ideas and am hoping our ride in Ark will produce something, but I have an idea for local and tested the road on the weekend, I think it will work!
Finally waxed my bike too, if only I could get at my truck. Also tried my new toys, the edger and blower/vacuum, worked well!
Darlene was supposed to have her Advanced Rider’s Edge course on Sunday. She left about 6:30 and had to go to Texas Motor Speedway. She didn’t make it as it was very cold and her bike does not operate well in cold weather. Ultimately she came back home as she was unable to get to the course.
Monday night was Plano Photography Club night. I had only one entry submitted, I got 12 points but was in the middle of the pack, I really wasn’t expecting a lot from it. The speaker was all about Scrapbooking, it was ok I guess. I submitted two in Open for October but again, not expecting much. Next month is S-curves, I really need to get something in for that. I have some ideas and am hoping our ride in Ark will produce something, but I have an idea for local and tested the road on the weekend, I think it will work!
Finally waxed my bike too, if only I could get at my truck. Also tried my new toys, the edger and blower/vacuum, worked well!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Busy Weekend
The kids have a long (5 day) weekend. So we went to the TX State Fair on Friday. Its been a couple of years at least. It was a great day, great weather. We spent all day there. While we didn’t eat any fried confections the food just doesn’t agree very well with me. This year in addition to the Fried PB&J there was Fried coke and some other things that elude me.
I got quite a few pictures will see what I can post up.
The bird exhibit was good with a hilarious part that was very well choreographed. In short an audience member was to feed a young bird. Well it just so happened that that particular species is one of the largest in the world with a 10 ft wingspan. Well she freaked and as she was backing up she tripped into the pond set up on the stage. Afterward when she was coming out from behind another large bird was onstage and ended up chasing her back stage again. Of course it was all set up, but we certainly didn’t know till the end!
Saturday started early with the Plano Photography Club outdoor model shoot. Unfortunately there was a bit of a shortage with the models and even photographers. Overall the shoot went well, I am pretty happy with the shots I got. I think though it was one of the least well organized model shoots I’ve been on. The location just got set 2 weeks prior, the numbers of models and photographers were not up to standards and once the sun came out, the location lost its “luster”. Additionally the food was not coordinated and club politics reared their ugly head….. This is the first time I have seen it, by the sounds of things its not new but I guess I just haven’t seen it yet. Names will remain nameless but a certain someone was exerting just a bit toooo much control….
After the shoot I rode down to the golf course to hopefully catch the Hell-Over(?) golf tourney, but just caught one group. It was a shotgun start and I would have had to wait around too long for the ending so I left.
Sunday we were met with rain, and a lot of it. All day. So we did some work around the house. I hung a new ceiling fan and Darlene hung some sheers. Some other stuff but just general house chores. Its still raining today. We are probably going to get a total of 3-5 inches overall, much needed rain!
I got quite a few pictures will see what I can post up.
The bird exhibit was good with a hilarious part that was very well choreographed. In short an audience member was to feed a young bird. Well it just so happened that that particular species is one of the largest in the world with a 10 ft wingspan. Well she freaked and as she was backing up she tripped into the pond set up on the stage. Afterward when she was coming out from behind another large bird was onstage and ended up chasing her back stage again. Of course it was all set up, but we certainly didn’t know till the end!
Saturday started early with the Plano Photography Club outdoor model shoot. Unfortunately there was a bit of a shortage with the models and even photographers. Overall the shoot went well, I am pretty happy with the shots I got. I think though it was one of the least well organized model shoots I’ve been on. The location just got set 2 weeks prior, the numbers of models and photographers were not up to standards and once the sun came out, the location lost its “luster”. Additionally the food was not coordinated and club politics reared their ugly head….. This is the first time I have seen it, by the sounds of things its not new but I guess I just haven’t seen it yet. Names will remain nameless but a certain someone was exerting just a bit toooo much control….
After the shoot I rode down to the golf course to hopefully catch the Hell-Over(?) golf tourney, but just caught one group. It was a shotgun start and I would have had to wait around too long for the ending so I left.
Sunday we were met with rain, and a lot of it. All day. So we did some work around the house. I hung a new ceiling fan and Darlene hung some sheers. Some other stuff but just general house chores. Its still raining today. We are probably going to get a total of 3-5 inches overall, much needed rain!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Ahhh Paris...

Ahhh, Paris….
Paris, TX that is… there is a movie by the same name with Harry Dean Stanton. I know I saw it but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was about.
Saturday we rode to Paris so I could get the Lonestar point. Also wanted to get a pin from the Harley Dealership. Its not that far from home, about 90 miles. We took a couple of back roads but pretty much stayed on State Highways. We stopped in Honey Grove TX for the Davey Crockett Day. Yes, Day, not Days. Friendly and historic little town.
Along the way we found a vintage airplane for Darlene’s red book. Pretty cool actually the whole trip had lots to see. We drove by an antique tractor graveyard too. But of course when we got to the dealership it was closed. I guess they close at 2PM on Saturdays to go riding or something.
We did get to the Eiffel Tower ok though and got my Lonestar point. Since it was so late we took the direct route home at that point.
Also I am now officially no longer in the "those who will" and now in the "those who have" dropped their bikes. Silly me, didn;t have my kickstand engaged under the tower. I guess if I'm going to drop it under the Eiffel Tower is as good a place as any.
Sunday we went downtown Dallas to get the last point I needed to get. Darlene didn’t have it either but already had 5. We stayed off the highways and stayed on some of the city streets. Now we know why we don’t go downtown often….
Sunday night we met up with the HOG group for a movie but since we had rode the last two days we decided to drive the car instead.
Almost forgot, Friday night we went to the Crosstown Showdown, Mckinney vs Mckinney North. We got beat. Bad.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Return from Penn
Well I’m on my way back from Pennsylvania. Left DFW bright and early Monday morning and got into the office about 2:30. I landed at the Pittsburg airport and drove about 1-1.5 hours to Greensburg. I stayed off the major highways, more or less and pretty much took Highway 30 right through. Very very pretty country, especially this time of year. Leaves hadn’t changed yet but weren’t far off, in fact I am sure they changed a bit while I was there and I was only there for 3 days! Pittsburg actually looked like I nice place to visit too, but I just pretty much drove through it and bypassed it.
The work trip was productive but I still have a lot a head of me to do. Need to prepare a presentation to be delivered to the CIO. I think we are doing all the right stuff, but the cultural impact may be insurmountable. I’ve got a couple of busy days ahead.
Pennsylvania is really pretty cool. Its an older state, at least the parts I was in, the infrastructure is definitely older and outgrown. There seems to be a lot of local heritage though, its not all chains, at least not chains I’m familiar with in Texas.
Pretty archaic liquor laws though! They may even be worse than Nova Scotia! I went to get a six pack to take back to the hotel room, actually I only wanted 3 or 4 singles. Finally found a beer store, they only sell dozens, cases and kegs! Liquor stores, which are also rare only sell liquor and wine. No singles or sixes to be found. Oh apparently bars can sell six packs at “competitive” rates, or about $8 a six, no thank you!
Lots of Harley dealerships around or so it seems, just getting to them without a map is a bit of an exercise. The largest dealership I have been in was located just about 3 miles from my hotel, on the main strip. It was Z&M Cycles, also sold Hondas. It has a bit of interesting history, although like most dealerships now, it tows the corporate line and looks very much like a typical corporate store. But it definatley had the largest parking lot I have ever seen at a dealership! Got pins and a long sleeve shirt.
That night I took a trip to Cerini, which was in Haverstock. Much smaller dealership with a much more storied history. Opened in 1920. Also a relatively new location, but extremely friendly, seemingly still family run. Unfortunately no pins, they were backordered, wahhh. May have to email in future to see if I can get some.
On the trip back to the airport I figured I may be able to hit one or two more dealerships, Steel City and Heritage. Well gosh darnit, I took a wrong turn and got on the toolway, ended up having to travel 15 miles or so to the first exit, and of course I screwed up going through the toolbooth, no picking up a ticket. $$$$20 hit for that! But equally as bad, I lost about 40 minutes on my already tight schedule….
The roads don’t have the same speed limits as in Texas but fortunately I made good time. I got to Steel City at about 3:00 got some pins and back on the road. No time to dawdle, still miles to go to the airport and my flight is scheduled for 4:40. Starting to freak out a bit, unfamiliar roads, no idea of drive time. Certainly no time to check out Heritage… Maybe next trip.
Got to the airport with minutes to spare, well for me anyway! No lines got ticketed at 3:50. then still had to get through security and to the gate. Got to gate about 4:15, which would have been boarding but lo and behold the plane was delayed till 5:30…. All that freaking out and sweating for no reason. Well at least I got to go to the bar and have a couple of beers and some food.
In the air now. No ride this past weekend, craving….
The work trip was productive but I still have a lot a head of me to do. Need to prepare a presentation to be delivered to the CIO. I think we are doing all the right stuff, but the cultural impact may be insurmountable. I’ve got a couple of busy days ahead.
Pennsylvania is really pretty cool. Its an older state, at least the parts I was in, the infrastructure is definitely older and outgrown. There seems to be a lot of local heritage though, its not all chains, at least not chains I’m familiar with in Texas.
Pretty archaic liquor laws though! They may even be worse than Nova Scotia! I went to get a six pack to take back to the hotel room, actually I only wanted 3 or 4 singles. Finally found a beer store, they only sell dozens, cases and kegs! Liquor stores, which are also rare only sell liquor and wine. No singles or sixes to be found. Oh apparently bars can sell six packs at “competitive” rates, or about $8 a six, no thank you!
Lots of Harley dealerships around or so it seems, just getting to them without a map is a bit of an exercise. The largest dealership I have been in was located just about 3 miles from my hotel, on the main strip. It was Z&M Cycles, also sold Hondas. It has a bit of interesting history, although like most dealerships now, it tows the corporate line and looks very much like a typical corporate store. But it definatley had the largest parking lot I have ever seen at a dealership! Got pins and a long sleeve shirt.
That night I took a trip to Cerini, which was in Haverstock. Much smaller dealership with a much more storied history. Opened in 1920. Also a relatively new location, but extremely friendly, seemingly still family run. Unfortunately no pins, they were backordered, wahhh. May have to email in future to see if I can get some.
On the trip back to the airport I figured I may be able to hit one or two more dealerships, Steel City and Heritage. Well gosh darnit, I took a wrong turn and got on the toolway, ended up having to travel 15 miles or so to the first exit, and of course I screwed up going through the toolbooth, no picking up a ticket. $$$$20 hit for that! But equally as bad, I lost about 40 minutes on my already tight schedule….
The roads don’t have the same speed limits as in Texas but fortunately I made good time. I got to Steel City at about 3:00 got some pins and back on the road. No time to dawdle, still miles to go to the airport and my flight is scheduled for 4:40. Starting to freak out a bit, unfamiliar roads, no idea of drive time. Certainly no time to check out Heritage… Maybe next trip.
Got to the airport with minutes to spare, well for me anyway! No lines got ticketed at 3:50. then still had to get through security and to the gate. Got to gate about 4:15, which would have been boarding but lo and behold the plane was delayed till 5:30…. All that freaking out and sweating for no reason. Well at least I got to go to the bar and have a couple of beers and some food.
In the air now. No ride this past weekend, craving….
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