Mike Wylie was the lead road captain and he picked excellent roads. We had what could have been a very close call as we were negotiating a curve in the road, an oncoming pickup truck lost the rather large trailer he was hauling and somewhat miracously the trailer left the road and went into the ditch without crossing directly into our path as it occurred directly in the middle of our pod.
We ate at Krystal in Longview, hence the "Sliders" referece. I must say, I try to avoid fast food at the best of times, but I can honestly say I will not eat at another Krystal again unless its for a HOG ride. But, we did try to kick it up a notch with the wine that the Riley's brought along for the occasion!
Jefferson was an awesome town. We stayed at the Excelsior Hotel a wonderful old hotel that is supposedly haunted. It may have been but after the ride and the alcohol I don't think anyone would have woken up for a ghost, unless it was a very noisy one!

We were in no hurry Sunday morning and although we were downstairs by 8 am, pretty much everyone else was already gone. We went next door for breakfast as we did not realise we had to order in advance at the hotel. We were on our way by 9 am, on to Pittsburg for a LoneStar point. Oops missed the entrance, uturn and lo and behold some other HOG members, Paul and Michelle and Mike and Carol. So we hung out for a bit then travelled together the rest fo the way, mainly on FM 21 till we hit 30. Along the way we saw two vehicles off the road in the ditch, one apparently fairly recently!
An uneventful drive from there, we arrived home about 1:30. Bikes are very dirty from the rain Saturday morning, maybe I'll wash mine tonight. In total about 380 miles. A good trip, great roads and great people.
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