This run was for the Pythian Children's Home, which is a non-profit home for children of incarcerated parents. Its a pretty cool place in Weatherford that currently houses 40+ kids and they rely on charity and donations to stay operational. The Cross Timbers Church in Argyle is a big supporter. Interestingly the church has a fairly large biker community that organizes this run.
The ride itself was about 60 miles, some good roads. I didn't take any pictures of that ride. There were about 100 bikes so it was a good size. I now know why Darlene doesn't necessarily like going on some of these toy runs. While it was organized it was a bit haphazard. Some of the folks don't appear to have ridden or ridden often in organized group rides. Additionally there was a trike in front of me for a while, note to self, don't get behind trikes, they take up too much of the road and view! The weather was perfect. There were about 8 road captains who would block intersections then race up to get back into position for the next intersection they had to block. It worked, but is scary in its own way. Close to the end of the run we had to make a very sharp uphill right hand turn. Apparently behind me there was a Sportster that went down, then a woman on a larger Harley went down trying to avoid. Not sure of the extent of the damage, she apparently hurt her knee, but overall no significant damage to body or bike. The group then spends some time with the kids but I had other plans so after hanging out for a bit I headed to Ft Worth.
The Cycle World International Motorcycle show was taking place in Ft Worth at the convention center. Lots of people checking it out. It was the first big bike show I have been to and overall I thoroughly enjoyed it. The bikes were very cool, the sphere of death (or whatever its called) was very impressive and there were lots of folks enjoying the show. I saw Mini T and Don and Martha at the show as well.
Had a bit of a scare though. I checked my jacket at the gear check and when I went to leave they couldn't find my jacket. Its my FRXG jacket, so I was starting to freak out. It was later in the afternoon and there was a lot of people who had already left. Finally there was a jacket spotted without a tag, it was mine, Whew!!!
190 miles round trip that day. Oh yeah, on Friday I got my rear tire replaced, only 8400 miles, I need to change some of my riding habits, more front brake, less rear and less engine braking. I think the engine braking is what really sped up tire wear. Of course the Texas heat probably contributed a bit as well...

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