Well this weekend was the Wildflower Ride. I must say, if you were to be plopped down in Texas, at this time of the year, in this part of the country, you would never want to leave! What a great trip, beautiful sites, sounds and smells.
We took off Friday morning, all told I believe we had 62 bikes depart, I don't know what the final count was. It was a unique KSU, as we had a friendly police officer block traffic so all 5 pods could leave at the same time. With the additional 50 or so miles from Mckinney, we put on about 380 miles that day, with a couple of nice detours and the Willow City Loop. We rode some of the best rides in the Hill Country on Friday and this weekend, without a doubt.
Saturday was a bit more of the same, our group was the laid back group, a shorter ride perhaps but a lot of fun. We went and had BBQ at Coopers in Llano, which was phenomonal.
Friday night's meal was at the Auslander Restaurant in Fredericksburg and Saturday was BBQ (hams, hots, sausages) back at the hotel. Both nights were a lot of fun.
On Sunday Marv led us home, heading out in wet conditions. We had some unfortunate occurances however. After a relatively problem free weekend, we had two bikes go down. We passed Kim and Glen on the side of the road, thinking Kim may be having some discomfort as Glen waved everybody on, however she was (unknown at the time) nursing a broken hand and waiting for Luke to come and rescue Old Blue. In the end the news all around was a lot better than it could have been.
I have to double check my mileage but I think it was around 850 miles total.

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