Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Shop report

We picked up Darlene's bike from the the shop last week. She had it in for 35K checkup and some other things. She got her cam chain tensioners checked out and they were in great shape, so that's good and a relief. 2 bikes, both in good shape. She also got some brakes and probably the big upgrade was the easy pull clutch kit.
Big improvement in her clutch response. I used to find her clutch hard to pull, but now its better than mine, and I thought mine was pretty easy to pull.

I wired my Zumo, but something's messed up as I don't have any power, will try to tackle that again before this weekend as we have a pre-ride for the Diva ride. It does work good though as we have been playing with it in the car for a few trips we have taken.

I still have to do some work on mine before the Milwaukee trip. Can't find any reported problems on the K&N oil filter so I must have just got a dud. Not sure whether to try it again or not. Lots of folks swear by them, and they have the nut on the end for easier take off... Guess it'll be a spontaneous purchasing decision at the time.

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