Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ghosts and Teddy Bears?

Not only is this weekend Halloween, its also marks the start of the toy run season, at least for me, with the CCCAC Teddy Bear Run. This is a local run that starts at the Mckinney High school and ends at the Collin County Childrens Advocacy Center in Plano. Its different than a toy run in that the gifts are in the form of donations or preferably soft teddy bears, as opposed to a toy, which may include Tonka Trucks, dolls, etc. I have participated in this run the last two years and its consistently a very well organized event. The weather for this weekend is looking great so there should be an excellent turnout.

On the Halloween front, our house is looking very spooktacular.... I still haven't finalized my playlist, although not all the songs are necesarily approriate for general consumption. Nothing bad as such, just a mix of songs, some scary, some fun, although some perhaps a bit more adult oriented than little kid oriented.

Some folks get very creative with pumpkins and there's always a wealth of ideas than can be discovered on the internet. Here's a couple of images to get in the "spirit"!

Oh yes, don't forget, DST ends this weekend, remember to set your clocks back...

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