As impossible as it may be to believe, stacked up against 10 other entrants, the judges felt our chili was the best so we received first place Judges Choice!
As always it was loads of fun, and our intent was to win presentation! Who cares about how the chili tastes if your tent looks good! Well that's not quite true, I really do care how the chili tastes and actually put a lot of effort into making a competitive chili.
So this year, we got beat in presentation, by Bobby and Jo-Ann Mims and Bill Davenport, who had a cowboy setup that a movie set would be envious of! Very well deserved on their part. Tremendous effort and in truth I know how much work that is, so would be surprised to see a repeat in the future but very much looking forward to that likelihood.

I learned a couple of things this year, and have some tips going into the regionals. After travelling all over the metroplex the past couple of years, it would be nice if we or Billy-icious could bring it home to Corinth!

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