Anyway back to the trip. I took Friday afternoon off after all my meetings and hit the road about 1 pm for a 3.5 hour roll on up the highway to Oklahoma City. Except for the construction I made very good time and kept very well hydrated in the high temps. Hooked up with Darlene in her car at the dealership just outside the city, after we sorted out the wrong (former location) directions I gave her. Then we headed off to the rally site and hung out for a while and caught Le-Ann Rimes in concert. I'm not a fan, just don't know her music, not what I typically listen to, and was very pleasantly surprised. We headed back to the hotel and spent some time with our friends in a great room - special thanks to Carla and Tee.
Saturday morning after the HOG parade, a group of us took off to the other Dealership and then back to the rally site for a few hours. It really started heating up and by the time Kansas took the outdoor stage at 1PM it was getting pretty much unbearable. Which is too bad as they sounded awesome. A bit later we headed back to the hotel. The rally site was pretty good and we saw a lot of our friends from the Chapter, several of which who had ridden up that morning and were heading back in the afternoon. Call me crazy but 7+ hours riding in high temps... no thanks, glad we had a room.
After we got back to the hotel and spent some time in the pool we all went out to Bricktown, had a bite to eat and checked out Bikes and Bricks. It was pretty awesome and complemented the HOG rally very well.
Sunday morning we awoke to passing rain and cool temps. The group took off down 35 and I tool a solo route north to hit Route 66.
Here's a few pictures from the weekend activities.


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