These past 2 weekends we have gone on a couple of rides. Well at least I did. We had one of our annual summer rides, the Bug Run, the evening of Sat 22. Darlene didn't ride for safety reasons - group riding at night and she has some difficult with night vision, so I did this one on my own with the chapter. IT was a great night, not too hot, but typically the bugs were few and far between, in fact this was probably the cleanest my bike has been after one of these runs. Aside from not qualifying for any prizes, not having completely bug splattered bike is not a bad thing.... In fact our ride from Jefferson the other weekend was much worse, and with very large bugs....
Now this weekend past, our "adversaries" from down the road, the North Texas HOG chapter, had their rain-rescheduled chapter fundraiser, the Stacked Deck poker run.
We decided to show en force, for a bunch of reasons, but to primarly encourage like attendance at our fund raising run, Pass The Pigs, in September. Just a friendly competition between friends, so to speak, to see who has the best turnout at each others event.
The Stacked Deck run was a good ride of about 100 miles. Personally it was a little too much interstate for my liking, I prefer the less stressful and less traveled FM roads, but a good time was had by all, and based on the attendance I think NT has a successful event.
We ended up at the Cottage Lounge in Dallas off Northwest Highway, definitely a biker bar and apparently a place that is friendly to the Scorpions MC. Saw one other patch member from the Warlocks from Florida.
Anyway a couple of shots from these rides.

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