Anyway, on to other things, all has settled down post cruise, we had a great get-together the other night with the crew to refresh our memories and share pictures.
I did a 250 mile ride the other day as well with a group from Dr. Pepper in support of their United Way campaign. The weather was cloudy and threatening rain but it held off except for a small shower around Greenville on the way home. I planned the route and must say I enjoyed it and it will be worth doing again, maybe on a Saturday instead of a Sunday though, so that there may be more restaurant options...
Work has been quite busy, with a couple of projects taking a lot of focus, but its also frustrating. Everyone is working remote and being pulled in multiple directions. Busy is good, as is productive, and things appear to be settling down in the HP Enterprise so perhaps that is a good thing overall. We have to take our vacation before the end of the year and I have several days left. Everyone does it seems so that is starting to have impact. Of course this week is Thanksgiving, which is for the most part a lost cause, well, except for today which was a bit nuts.
Its also the time of year to think about family. I am grateful for my immediate famiy and friends that I spend time with, but find myself missing my family back home. As things settle down a bit more around here, its been a crazy year, I need to plan a trip home.
In the meantime however, here's a couple of more pictures from the cruise that bring a smile to my face!

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