These pictures below have been taken over a couple of weeks, maybe close to a month, as my garden has been growing. The don't represent that growth, but are some interesting shots I've taken.
This year I decided to try to grow some blueberries. I figure it may be a couple of years before I get a good crop, and it looks like this year I may get enough for topping one bowl of cereal!
Also new for this year are beans. That has been interesting. I put in a new bed and I don't think the soil is "good" yet. But the beans are finally starting to pick up and are now blossoming. At least one variety anyway. Will be interesting to see what I get.
For the past few years I have been trying to grow tomatoes. This year I started them quite a bit earlier and also have a different supplier. Last year I had plenty of cherry tomatoes but very few other tomatoes. I planted some Heirlooms this year and wow, they are doing very well. Its still early, I actually had to cover them three times to protect from frost, but it was 93F yesterday, so I think the risk of frost is long gone.
Finally, what is a garden without small creatures. Spoiler, if you are freaked out by spiders, stop now! These are on my lime tree. I had a ton of blossoms and was expecting a great crop, but unfortunately not a single blossom germinated. Oh well, maybe next year.
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