Sunday, December 31, 2006
New Year's Eve
Happy New Year!!!
History: The Brass Monkey - In the heyday of sailing ships, all war ships and many freighters carried iron cannons. Those cannon fired round iron cannon balls. It was necessary to keep a good supply near the cannon. But how to prevent them from rolling about the deck? The best storage method devised was a square based pyramid with one ball on top, resting on four, resting on nine, which rested on sixteen. Thus, a supply of 30 cannon balls could be stacked in a small area right next to the cannon. There was only one problem -- how to prevent the bottom layer from sliding/rolling from under the others. The solution was a metal plate called a "Monkey" with 16 round indentations. But if this plate were made of iron, the iron balls would quickly rust to it in the salt air environment. The solution to the rusting problem was to cast the monkey out of brass. Thus the "Brass Monkey." Few landlubbers realize that brass contracts much more and much faster than iron when chilled. Consequently, when the temperature at sea dropped too far, the spacing between the indentations and the indentations themselves would shrink so much that the iron cannon balls would come right off the monkey. Thus, it was quite literally, "Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey!" And all this time, you thought that was an improper expression, didn't you?
Meet at AE H-D 10:30AM for a 11:00AM departure. Monday, January 1, 2007
Monday, December 18, 2006
Toy Runs
I took Friday off and got a good jump on the little bit of Christmas shopping I have left.
Saturday I finally got around to washing my truck after far too long and did both bikes as well. Saturday afternoon we headed over to the dealership for the Cumberland Children's Home charity run. That is one of the dealerships primary sponsors. There was a very good turnout probably close to 100 bikes, maybe a few more. It was fun, we had cops to block intersections but there weren't that many so several of us took over so the police could run ahead to the next intersection to block. I took one on a turn, so I got to see all the bikes ride past. In addition to the angel tree and all the presents, the dealership had a bike raffle and raised $20,000 for the home.

Sunday was the Big Texas Toy Run, the 21st annual. We met up with everyone at Starbucks in Flower Mound. We probably had close to 30 bikes from our group although there were a couple of extra bikes as well. We rode down to Grapevine. This was the second year for Grapevine as a starting point, in addition to Dallas and Fort Worth. Grapevine was fun. Wilhoite's was open and packed. Lots of bikes, I read one report over 5000 at Grapevine. I can't wait to hear the final tally, estimates were +45,000 bikes in total. I took quite a few pictures and will post some later. The ride went very well.

Thursday, December 14, 2006
Sad Note
Holiday Season
I need to finish up my shopping, we are pretty much done so I don't have a lot to do.
This weekend is more toy runs. Saturday is a club run to the Cumberland Childrens home, but its late, not sure if we will partipate or not. I may have a hockey game Saturday night as well. Sunday is the Big Texas Toy Run, that should be fun, likely between 30K and 45K bikes depending on the weather!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Lewisville Toy Run
Saturday was the Lewisville Toy Run, leaving from American Eagle HD. Darlene must have picked up a stomach virus and as much as she tried and wanted wasn't able to go on the ride. I got to the dealership about an hour ahead of KSU so had lots of time to see everyone and take some pics. The ride was good, but pretty well straight down 35. I don't know how many bikes were registered as of yet, hope to find out. Last year there was something like 1200 bikes or so.

Saturday night I played hockey with the D team, late notice, big meal and lack of sleep Friday night, it pretty well wore me out, I was tired Sat night.
Sunday we wrapped most of the presents, certainly got a great head start on it. The boys got home in the early afternoon.
Ride pics
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Here is his web site
Bold Light Photography
Then of course, it was contest time. It was open category. Carol Kropscott was the judge due to unavoidable issues with the original and alternate judges. Carol was a former PPC member who moved to Kansas. I remember Carol so it was good to hear her. She's a great woman and very involved with Photography. But she takes her judging very seriously.
I had two entries, one which she critiqued appropriately, and I knew when I submitted, but she also had good comments, more than I expected. The second one did much better. Overall there were some 60 odd entries, in three categories. I compete in Advanced. Images, Images, my first image, more images, more images, scores getting up, I'm getting excited, into Honorables mentions, then third place, woo hoo I'm in the points. My Masterpiece Theater earned 14 points for 2nd place!

Turkey Day
Friday we did a bit of shopping, yes its Black Friday but we didn't head out with the crowds, we went out after we woke up and for the most part finished our shopping. The weather was great all weekend, Saturday was mostly yardwork, I primed the door on the shed, and we cleaned up some of the trees and shrubs out front. We put up the lights but didn't put any on the roof. I don't have a ladder that will reach and don't feel comfortable on that roof! When we finished we went for a 10 minute ride on the bikes, that was the extent of our riding this weekend.
Oops almost forgot, a new addition to the family. Darlene picked her up on Wednesday. Another kitten, this one has a bit of a tiger color, actually her name is Tigger. Baby Girl is finally starting to "play" with her....
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Bike Show
This run was for the Pythian Children's Home, which is a non-profit home for children of incarcerated parents. Its a pretty cool place in Weatherford that currently houses 40+ kids and they rely on charity and donations to stay operational. The Cross Timbers Church in Argyle is a big supporter. Interestingly the church has a fairly large biker community that organizes this run.
The ride itself was about 60 miles, some good roads. I didn't take any pictures of that ride. There were about 100 bikes so it was a good size. I now know why Darlene doesn't necessarily like going on some of these toy runs. While it was organized it was a bit haphazard. Some of the folks don't appear to have ridden or ridden often in organized group rides. Additionally there was a trike in front of me for a while, note to self, don't get behind trikes, they take up too much of the road and view! The weather was perfect. There were about 8 road captains who would block intersections then race up to get back into position for the next intersection they had to block. It worked, but is scary in its own way. Close to the end of the run we had to make a very sharp uphill right hand turn. Apparently behind me there was a Sportster that went down, then a woman on a larger Harley went down trying to avoid. Not sure of the extent of the damage, she apparently hurt her knee, but overall no significant damage to body or bike. The group then spends some time with the kids but I had other plans so after hanging out for a bit I headed to Ft Worth.
The Cycle World International Motorcycle show was taking place in Ft Worth at the convention center. Lots of people checking it out. It was the first big bike show I have been to and overall I thoroughly enjoyed it. The bikes were very cool, the sphere of death (or whatever its called) was very impressive and there were lots of folks enjoying the show. I saw Mini T and Don and Martha at the show as well.
Had a bit of a scare though. I checked my jacket at the gear check and when I went to leave they couldn't find my jacket. Its my FRXG jacket, so I was starting to freak out. It was later in the afternoon and there was a lot of people who had already left. Finally there was a jacket spotted without a tag, it was mine, Whew!!!
190 miles round trip that day. Oh yeah, on Friday I got my rear tire replaced, only 8400 miles, I need to change some of my riding habits, more front brake, less rear and less engine braking. I think the engine braking is what really sped up tire wear. Of course the Texas heat probably contributed a bit as well...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I can see for miles and miles...
I am quickly falling in love with the roads of Arkansas. We had about 40 bikes and 60 folks from the club. It was eventful in many ways…
The colors were awesome, the timing was near perfect.
We headed north on 377 into OK, onto Hwy 70. From there, hmm, I have the route map somewhere but I know we did the Queen Wilimena ride, (SR1/SR88) which is recognized as one of the top ten rides in the US. I can’t wait to do it again.
Saturday morning was cool but not as cold as expected and we took off to Hot Springs via Mount Magazine, we paused for a group photo, but one pod was missing….
As far as events, first the bike incidents, idiot pickup driver at service station to rolled unattended into two bikes, then the flying saddle bag cover, next was the oil cooler leak which took about 1.5 hours to resolve, causing some delays, then Jerry’s battery, then Don P’s battery, next was Mark’s lost key/hotwire, then Lee again after the saddle bag, experiencing a flat tire while driving home. No injuries, nothing too serious.
Party events…. The “fire” at the Mena hotel with Bobby coming to attention, the overloaded elevator at the Arlington in Hot Springs and of course the hot tub at the Arlington…. I am sure there are others but those are the ones that stick out.
In total approx 800 miles round trip. Awesome…
Pics.. Hmmm I wonder if I can link to the AE Hog gallery when they get posted.
Club Leaf Ride Pics

Thursday, November 09, 2006
Busy, Busy, Busy
Monday, October 30, 2006
Happy Halloween
Let’s see Wed Oct 25 was the AEHOG Halloween costume party. I went as an embattled hockey player and Darlene went as a sexy referee! We rode our bikes, although it had rained earlier in the day and the official dinner ride was cancelled. Great turnout at the restaurant although the folks that rode on bikes were in short supply! Great costumes overall and I took lots of pictures.
Friday night I took Ryan, Corey and Jake to the LG Action Sports Championship at Reunion Arena. Marc went with other friends. We got there just before 6 and got to our seats about 6:30 or so I guess. Show started just before 7:00. BMX prelims were first up, these guys were great. Only one I recognized was Ryan Nyquist, but the young guy from Venezuela was incredible. Then was the Freestyle Motocross demos, these guys are pretty talented to be able to work in the confined areas they work in. I wanted to see the Skateboard Vert prelims and was not disappointed. Bob Burnquist took top qualifier, and other top and great skaters included Bucky Lasik, Andy MacDonald, Pierre Luc Gagnon (go Canada!) and some guy from Brazil, Sandro Dias that was really good. Also during warmups was the inline skaters – including Fabiola De Silva and then the street skaters after the bmx was done. Those guys were very good and fast! The show lasted till quite late about 10:40, then the Deftones came on to play, there were a lot of fans just to see the band. Unfortunately the arena was set up for the events and the sound was a bit muddy, especially with their style of music. Some interesting sights though!
Saturday was a pretty relaxing day, I took a bit of a ride, and then Sat night we went to Bill Davenport’s 50th birthday party. Waaayyy out north of Denton, great setup though. Very nice house and property, full band and tent set up outside. A lot of the AE crew was there but took off pretty early of course the party started at 6 and some of them were there pretty early. We along with Dave Barnes and Jerry stayed late I think we left well after 1:00 as we got home about 3 am. Thankfully it was fall back so it was only 2:00….
Sunday I tackled the shed door, got that pretty well all finished except for caulk and paint but I realized I forgot one piece of trim. Also replaced part of the floor and reinforced one of the joists that had pretty much rotted out. We also trimmed the fence gates. That pretty much took all day, or at least all afternoon.
Oh yeah, the Cowboys won huge Sunday night!!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Rock and Roll
Darlene was supposed to have her Advanced Rider’s Edge course on Sunday. She left about 6:30 and had to go to Texas Motor Speedway. She didn’t make it as it was very cold and her bike does not operate well in cold weather. Ultimately she came back home as she was unable to get to the course.
Monday night was Plano Photography Club night. I had only one entry submitted, I got 12 points but was in the middle of the pack, I really wasn’t expecting a lot from it. The speaker was all about Scrapbooking, it was ok I guess. I submitted two in Open for October but again, not expecting much. Next month is S-curves, I really need to get something in for that. I have some ideas and am hoping our ride in Ark will produce something, but I have an idea for local and tested the road on the weekend, I think it will work!
Finally waxed my bike too, if only I could get at my truck. Also tried my new toys, the edger and blower/vacuum, worked well!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Busy Weekend
I got quite a few pictures will see what I can post up.
The bird exhibit was good with a hilarious part that was very well choreographed. In short an audience member was to feed a young bird. Well it just so happened that that particular species is one of the largest in the world with a 10 ft wingspan. Well she freaked and as she was backing up she tripped into the pond set up on the stage. Afterward when she was coming out from behind another large bird was onstage and ended up chasing her back stage again. Of course it was all set up, but we certainly didn’t know till the end!
Saturday started early with the Plano Photography Club outdoor model shoot. Unfortunately there was a bit of a shortage with the models and even photographers. Overall the shoot went well, I am pretty happy with the shots I got. I think though it was one of the least well organized model shoots I’ve been on. The location just got set 2 weeks prior, the numbers of models and photographers were not up to standards and once the sun came out, the location lost its “luster”. Additionally the food was not coordinated and club politics reared their ugly head….. This is the first time I have seen it, by the sounds of things its not new but I guess I just haven’t seen it yet. Names will remain nameless but a certain someone was exerting just a bit toooo much control….
After the shoot I rode down to the golf course to hopefully catch the Hell-Over(?) golf tourney, but just caught one group. It was a shotgun start and I would have had to wait around too long for the ending so I left.
Sunday we were met with rain, and a lot of it. All day. So we did some work around the house. I hung a new ceiling fan and Darlene hung some sheers. Some other stuff but just general house chores. Its still raining today. We are probably going to get a total of 3-5 inches overall, much needed rain!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Ahhh Paris...

Ahhh, Paris….
Paris, TX that is… there is a movie by the same name with Harry Dean Stanton. I know I saw it but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was about.
Saturday we rode to Paris so I could get the Lonestar point. Also wanted to get a pin from the Harley Dealership. Its not that far from home, about 90 miles. We took a couple of back roads but pretty much stayed on State Highways. We stopped in Honey Grove TX for the Davey Crockett Day. Yes, Day, not Days. Friendly and historic little town.
Along the way we found a vintage airplane for Darlene’s red book. Pretty cool actually the whole trip had lots to see. We drove by an antique tractor graveyard too. But of course when we got to the dealership it was closed. I guess they close at 2PM on Saturdays to go riding or something.
We did get to the Eiffel Tower ok though and got my Lonestar point. Since it was so late we took the direct route home at that point.
Also I am now officially no longer in the "those who will" and now in the "those who have" dropped their bikes. Silly me, didn;t have my kickstand engaged under the tower. I guess if I'm going to drop it under the Eiffel Tower is as good a place as any.
Sunday we went downtown Dallas to get the last point I needed to get. Darlene didn’t have it either but already had 5. We stayed off the highways and stayed on some of the city streets. Now we know why we don’t go downtown often….
Sunday night we met up with the HOG group for a movie but since we had rode the last two days we decided to drive the car instead.
Almost forgot, Friday night we went to the Crosstown Showdown, Mckinney vs Mckinney North. We got beat. Bad.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Return from Penn
The work trip was productive but I still have a lot a head of me to do. Need to prepare a presentation to be delivered to the CIO. I think we are doing all the right stuff, but the cultural impact may be insurmountable. I’ve got a couple of busy days ahead.
Pennsylvania is really pretty cool. Its an older state, at least the parts I was in, the infrastructure is definitely older and outgrown. There seems to be a lot of local heritage though, its not all chains, at least not chains I’m familiar with in Texas.
Pretty archaic liquor laws though! They may even be worse than Nova Scotia! I went to get a six pack to take back to the hotel room, actually I only wanted 3 or 4 singles. Finally found a beer store, they only sell dozens, cases and kegs! Liquor stores, which are also rare only sell liquor and wine. No singles or sixes to be found. Oh apparently bars can sell six packs at “competitive” rates, or about $8 a six, no thank you!
Lots of Harley dealerships around or so it seems, just getting to them without a map is a bit of an exercise. The largest dealership I have been in was located just about 3 miles from my hotel, on the main strip. It was Z&M Cycles, also sold Hondas. It has a bit of interesting history, although like most dealerships now, it tows the corporate line and looks very much like a typical corporate store. But it definatley had the largest parking lot I have ever seen at a dealership! Got pins and a long sleeve shirt.
That night I took a trip to Cerini, which was in Haverstock. Much smaller dealership with a much more storied history. Opened in 1920. Also a relatively new location, but extremely friendly, seemingly still family run. Unfortunately no pins, they were backordered, wahhh. May have to email in future to see if I can get some.
On the trip back to the airport I figured I may be able to hit one or two more dealerships, Steel City and Heritage. Well gosh darnit, I took a wrong turn and got on the toolway, ended up having to travel 15 miles or so to the first exit, and of course I screwed up going through the toolbooth, no picking up a ticket. $$$$20 hit for that! But equally as bad, I lost about 40 minutes on my already tight schedule….
The roads don’t have the same speed limits as in Texas but fortunately I made good time. I got to Steel City at about 3:00 got some pins and back on the road. No time to dawdle, still miles to go to the airport and my flight is scheduled for 4:40. Starting to freak out a bit, unfamiliar roads, no idea of drive time. Certainly no time to check out Heritage… Maybe next trip.
Got to the airport with minutes to spare, well for me anyway! No lines got ticketed at 3:50. then still had to get through security and to the gate. Got to gate about 4:15, which would have been boarding but lo and behold the plane was delayed till 5:30…. All that freaking out and sweating for no reason. Well at least I got to go to the bar and have a couple of beers and some food.
In the air now. No ride this past weekend, craving….
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Business Travel
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
More Photo Results

Monday, September 25, 2006
Much Needed Rain?
Anyway, after waiting about 90 minutes for the rain to pass we eventually decided we couldn't hit our commitments so we all just went to breakfast then went on our way. So on the ride home we worked on Darlene's scavenger hunt book, she doesn't have much time left to complete and over the weekend we knocked out a few. I think we got a couple of good ones, there are prizes for creativity/photo so we will see.
Oh, we finished the floor. The home theater is hooked back up, furniture where it needs to be and I can see more kitchen counter than I have ever been able to!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
What's new?
No hockey yet, not emails about the new season, just a little prep work setting up rosters. I really need to get active, either walk or take up jogging, even if its only 20 minute jog. My shoulder is giving me grief, just a bit, not sure if its just rehab needed or what. I need to get it checked out.
Back to riding, need to focus on getting lonestar points completed and seeing what to do on Darlene's red book. Looks like we have a couple of free weekends coming up although no doubt they will fill up like they do.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Photo Results
Well for this contest season they have just started accepting electronic submissions. Additionally they collapsed the intermediate and advanced categories into Advanced so there are more entries. But to be honest some of the Beginners’ photos are the best I have seen in the club. Obviously the real Masters in the club consistent produce the best shots but there is incredible and consistent talent throughout the membership!
Well the last meeting was the results for Sports. With all the football pics I shot last year I figured I had a couple, I narrowed it down to about 5 then finally to 2. I didn’t make the meeting but sent a note in for the results and just got them back today.
My Goal Line Stand pic got 11 points, not bad, with relatively favorable comments, excellent capture, but slightly tilted field (horizon).

My The Wait pic got 12 points, good exposure, composition, and more importantly an Honorable Mention! Woo Hoo! Its funny, this was one I wasn’t sure about entering, but myself and everyone I showed liked it.

Weekend Update
Saturday was the Chapter meeting and after that we rode to Sherman. We put on about 160 miles that day. I also got my 5K service done. The leather jackets are on sale at AE. Hmmmm, I am going to need one, there is a very nice one there but it’s a bit pricy. This weekend is the demo ride and open house with additional savings. If I can combine the tickets then I’ll probably get the FXRG jacket, it looked pretty sweet!
Saturday night we lost our final playoff game, for the championship, Hangover’s D. It was a good series, tied first game into 7 skater shootout. Second game we won 1-0, final game we lost 3-2. Bob had me playing forward, felt out of place, I deflected the first goal off my body, well I didn’t deflect it, it deflected off me! And I scored our second goal as well, but it was too little too late with about 28 seconds left.
Sunday was more work on the flooring, and as of last night, all the flooring is complete, the wood laminate and the kitchen tile. Baseboard is down, just have to paint and put the quarter round down.
We had a bit of rain yesterday, much needed. This week won’t be so crazy.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Still have a bit to do, the trim work to put back on, but that shouldn't take nearly as long. It looks good and will be good to get the room back in order. Darlene also started the kitchen floor and made great headway.
This weekend we should hopefully get it finished, have the new member ride Friday night and chapter meeting Saturday. Also will be taking my bike in for 5K service.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Arkansas State Rally

Back from the Rally. We didn’t spend much time at the rally site at all, but had great rides through the mountains of Arkansas. Originally we had tentatively planned on heading up on Thursday but waited till Friday. Just Darlene and I traveled up. I picked a route through Oklahoma, I thought it was pretty good, some good highways, a bit of scenery. I think Oklahoma may be a bit limited in that manner, but also wanted a pretty direct route. Driving into Ft Smith was a pretty typical older city, the end we came in on seemed to be pretty industrial but I think its just more characteristic of the city.
We stayed at the Holiday Inn city center which was a good spot for the main street cruising. Hung out a bit on Friday night to check out the scene.
Saturday morning we rode with Don and Martha, and Glen and Kim. We went up highway 71 to Fayetteville, a great twisty ride, and eventually caught up with the rain. We then did the Pig Trail, a truly great ride! And then Magazine Mountain. A bit of road work on the Magazine route but not enough to detract from the ride. I would have to say that these were definitely the best roads I have ridden in my short riding career. Just beautiful. Twisty roads, up and down hills, tree canopies….
Sunday the ride back we pretty much took the direct route back, and ran into a bit of rain. Just enough to put on our rain gear for about 45 minutes or so. We got back home about 2:30, total miles 810.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
AE HOG Bug Run
We met in Highland Village and we hit the road about 7:45 pm. It was a fairly large group, I think there was over 40 bikes, maybe more. The first pod out was quite large. We were second and there was a smaller pod went out behind us. It was quite a distance to our first checkpoint. I think by the first checkpoint I had about 3 bugs on my whole fairing and windshield, with absolutely none on the sticker!
Some of the ride was on FM 455 which is quite a crooked road, not nice curves but turns and turns and turns. But it was a good ride. I guess we got to our destination in Justin (Off the Trax) about 10:00 and lo and behold, Pod 3 had arrived before us, WTF? Well it turns out that Mike didn’t get the memo and did all 4 checkpoints, while the other 2 pods only did 3 checkpoints. No matter, we had a great ride, and still no bugs of any consequence!
The awards were given, no winners in this house, and the 50-50 was very large, I think it was over $170. We got home around 1 am. Late night and late ride. Darlene was practically falling asleep while riding! And no wonder we were up early for our yardsale that morning in the heat!
Friday, August 18, 2006
I'm surprised how often I see coyotes in the city, and during daylight hours.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Sliders Ride - Trip report
Mike Wylie was the lead road captain and he picked excellent roads. We had what could have been a very close call as we were negotiating a curve in the road, an oncoming pickup truck lost the rather large trailer he was hauling and somewhat miracously the trailer left the road and went into the ditch without crossing directly into our path as it occurred directly in the middle of our pod.
We ate at Krystal in Longview, hence the "Sliders" referece. I must say, I try to avoid fast food at the best of times, but I can honestly say I will not eat at another Krystal again unless its for a HOG ride. But, we did try to kick it up a notch with the wine that the Riley's brought along for the occasion!
Jefferson was an awesome town. We stayed at the Excelsior Hotel a wonderful old hotel that is supposedly haunted. It may have been but after the ride and the alcohol I don't think anyone would have woken up for a ghost, unless it was a very noisy one!

We were in no hurry Sunday morning and although we were downstairs by 8 am, pretty much everyone else was already gone. We went next door for breakfast as we did not realise we had to order in advance at the hotel. We were on our way by 9 am, on to Pittsburg for a LoneStar point. Oops missed the entrance, uturn and lo and behold some other HOG members, Paul and Michelle and Mike and Carol. So we hung out for a bit then travelled together the rest fo the way, mainly on FM 21 till we hit 30. Along the way we saw two vehicles off the road in the ditch, one apparently fairly recently!
An uneventful drive from there, we arrived home about 1:30. Bikes are very dirty from the rain Saturday morning, maybe I'll wash mine tonight. In total about 380 miles. A good trip, great roads and great people.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Sliders Ride
We got the floor in the game room all finished finally, including the trim. Haven't started the big room yet, not sure when but is should be soon. Maybe next week, I have no hockey so could make some headway in the evenings.
This weekend is the 3rd annual Sliders ride, we are heading east! Longview to eat sliders at Krystal then on to Jefferson to stay in a haunted bed and breakfast. It will be a hot ride, consecutive 100+ days with no relief in sight. Updates to follow...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
day after hump day
Dinner ride last night to Pier 121 in Lewisville. Beautiful night. we were outdoors on the water.
GOt the floor down in the game room, need to put the baseboard and the quarter round down. The boys are away this week and will be coming back sometime tomorrow. We'll celebrate Marc's birthday on Saturday and I guess start ripping up the carpet in the main room this weekend. Hmmm, really need to do the yard sale next weekend with this schedule.
Need to figure out how to lose a few pounds. A diet will be very difficult, as I have never dieted.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Home Project
Saturday was Marc's birthday but we are delaying celebration till this weekend. They are all off to camp this week.
Saturday was also the AEHOG summer party. It was a good time and a lot of fun. We competed in a couple of games, we smoked the wet tshirt relay, and we somehow managed to win the scavenger hunt. In all it probably delayed our start on the floor on Sunday.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
National Ride to Work Day
Monday, July 17, 2006
Heat Wave
Have done a bit of riding. Took my bike to work one day last week, Wednesday we went on the dinner ride, then Friday was new members dinner ride, I think we had about 65 people there! Saturday brought my bike in for 2500 mile service (3100 miles - about time!) and we had the chapter meetings. Darlene won the progressive jackpot ($300 woohoo!) and several of us went to Gainsville for lunch. We didn't get back home till after 4 pm and it was very hot riding. It was evident that the heat bothered Darlene and we had to take a couple of stops.
On my bike they changed the iginition lock (recall) and downloaded a new map - this time to the racing download(?). Marv had the same one done and it fixed some of his problems. I must say the bike seemed to run cooler afterwards. Not sure yet about the performance. Took a bit of a test run on Sunday morning. Didn't let it warm up and except for one little sputter in the alley, seemed to work better. Will need a couple of more tests I'm afraid to convince me its better. Still pops on decel but seems to be a lot less.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Back to work
Played hockey last night, late game 10:30. We won! WooHoo! And to cap it off, I got two goals, our first and the game winner in a 3-2 overtime win!
Tonight is dinner ride night am planning on going.
Michelle made it to NH with no problems and Dad's tenant problems appear to on the way to resolution, its in small claims court now!
Monday, July 10, 2006
Vacation Update pt 3...

Thursday Darlene went to spend time with Dale in Halifax, and we went to Stewiake with Dad. We saw a couple of deer, a mink. We brought the pellet gun out to have some fun and were hoping to ride the 4-wheelers, but they haven't been used much so we didn't bother. Unfortunately for us it rained and turned out raining very hard, the whole time we were there. We stayed in the shed and shot targets outside. That night we had our lobsters for supper then went to visit Rod and Arlene with a little surprise visit.
Friday the boys went with their cousins, we had some final souvieneer shopping to do, had a donair and went to visit "IGA" to see who was there. The ones Darlene wanted to see weren't but there were a couple of others. That night we ate at Michelles and said our goodbyes to everyone.
Saturday we came home, a very uneventful trip considering all that had happened!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Adventure continued...
Sunday, hmm, I don't remember too much what we did on Sunday. I guess we probably hung out at Michelle and Annettes, played Kick the Can late at night.
Monday we went out to see Darlene's Mom. She was in better shape than I thought. After that the boys and I took off to Queensland Beach while Darlene spent more time with her family and visited her niece. The beach was great, the water was surprisingly warmer than expected. On the way home of course we had to have another adventure. I was driving Dad's truck and the brakes went out. Ended up having to drive the last few miles with the emergency brake and the transmission. Not recommended!
That night we must have ended back up and Michelles where the kids had another game of kick the can. I think they also had their street basketball game this night, yes, I'm pretty sure of that.
Tuesday we went to Dale's again, the boys rode the 4-wheeler some. Got some pictures and on the way back we stopped at the Harley dealership in Halifax to lighten our wallet. We ate out that night, the restuarant we wanted to eat at was closed for renovations. After that we visited our old stomping grounds, checked out our old house and actually chatted up the homeowner and got a tour. A lot of what we did is still in place and still in good shape 10-12 years later.
On the way out we visited Donna, Rick was not home.
More later....
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Left Dallas on time and arrived in NY-JFK. Halifax flight scheduled on time, we had some time to kill. Ate then went to the gate, Halifax flight delayed, a bit later, Halifax Flight cancelled....
So off to the ticket counter to get a new flight. Three hours later, after plentiful searching, the first available flight is Saturday morning, meaning 2 nights in NYC. Not looking pretty so after more finangling, we extended our stay, will leave Halifax on Saturday, and we hopped a rental car and started driving at 11:00 PM Thursday night.
Cool car, a Volvo XC, with a GPS. What a difference that GPS made, and in very short time its easy to get some dependancy on it, especially in cities we've never travelled in. Would not have been easy getting out of NY without it. We drove all night, a bit of rain and some heavy fog in spots, sky started to brighten up a bit about 4:15 am and by 5:00 was pretty much daylight. We hit the border about 8 am.
We stopped at the Harley dealership in Moncton and arrived at the HFX airport about 4:00 pm. We swapped cars, it took about an hour or more to get a clean car and went off to Dale's (Darlene's sister) for a BBQ and spent the night there.
To be continued...
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Here comes Vacation!
Took my bike to work this week and scheduled service. Need my 2500 done, at 3000 miles. Have some problem with fuel - EFI. May be the problem injectors, or just a mapping issue. Also have a possible fork oil leak. Well I guess I'll find out after vacation!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Pro Sports
First was the Stanley Cup. Well the Stars have been out for a long time so I guess it really wasn't my team but Carolina beat Edmonton for the Cup. Good for Carolina, but it sure would have been nice to have a Canadian team as champions! 8th place seed too.
Basketball, although I'm not that much of a fan the finals ended on a very disappointing note. Mavericks in the finals, first time. Up 2 games, go to Miami for 3 lose all three, then can't hold the lead at home in Game 6. I think its probably a representation of experience. Even though it was Miami's first time to the finals as well, you have Pat Riley the coach who has, how many rings? And Shaq, who has 4 rings himself, compared to Dallas, with Avery Johnson in his first full year as coach and I don't believe any finals experience on the team. Next year...
Counting Down
Busy week, got some work done on the boys room, Marc's bed is made, almost finished. Two hockey games, a goal in the C-game loss Tuesday night, and 3 assists in the D game win last night. I think tonight the three of us should go see the new Garfield movie for Marc.
Work has been good, I have been attending a workshop on MCIS. Good workshop and I have learned a lot, actually getting a bit excited about my new role now that I am starting to understand what its about! Funny about that.
Counting down to what? Oh yeah, this time next week we should be pulling into the airport for vacation to Nova Scotia! I guess I'm starting to get a bit excited.
And when I get back I have to bring my bike in for 2500 mile service, its a bit overdue, but more importantly to get the fork checked for a leak and to get the injectors changed. Its starting to drive me nuts, the cold start and drivability problems....
Monday, June 19, 2006
Father's Day weekend.
Oh, sold the washer and dryer, lots of calls and will treat this as a learning experience! Lets see what else, Oilers won Sat night, Stanley cup goes to Game 7 tonight. Mavs lost again, a squeaker, so now they are down 3 games to 2 in the finals. Fortunately the last 2 games are in Dallas, LETS GO MAVS!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Hockey night in North Texas
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Father's Day?
Aces High ride
Friday, June 09, 2006
Dad's Surgery
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
New Truck!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Early to rise the next morning as some of us wanted to get the Dalhart Lone Star Challenge point. Well there were only three of us, Darlene and myself, led by Dave W. We took some back roads, and for me, a wildlife lover, it was great! I actually saw three antelope, which I have never seen before, more jackrabbits than I could count, some prarie dog towns, a lone coyote and a large flock of turkeys up on a ridge! We had breakfast and got our challenge point pictures in Dalhart then got on our way again. Sunday's ride was a long one as it was hot and my afternoon we were stopping every hour or sooner to refresh and get some shade. It reached 104 in one town! It was even so hot, I think we saw a mirage, a herd of camels in some texas oasis! Six hundred miles later we arrived, at about 7:30. If nothing else I learned the importance of resting and hydration. I felt pretty good overall after the ride and next day.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Mileage update
My first "trip" was the AEHOG LOH ride on May 7 to Granbury and Hico. I think the trip was about 250 miles total. A fun ride through pretty nice roads in the top of Hill Country.
The next weekend, May 13, was the Pass The Pigs run/event. I think that was just a little over 100 miles total, starting at AE in Corinth and ending at the Thunderhorse in Lewisville for bike games. That was fun, but saw my first motorcycle accident, or at least the outcome of it, on the road, a group heading a different direction. Fortunately it was not a serious accident. We ended up not being able to stay for the bike games as Ryan had his prom and we wanted to make sure everything went well.

Jump ahead to May 19-21, the Texas State Rally. Left Friday morning with Holly and Larry, we took some great roads around Lake Texoma. Saw a little wildlife, some deer, a coyote. Had a great time at the Rally, had been to ROT a couple of years ago but did not truly experience as I only spent a few hours there. On Saturday morning, we collected on Dyess AFB for some photos followed by a parade through Abeline. There were over 2100 bikes in the parade, it was very cool. The bike games took place in the afternoon, I took lots of photos, will have to post some! That evening we watched Styx in concert. Actually I enjoyed that much more than I expected! I believe I have now seen Styx more times than any other band, and I'm not even a fan. I guess that's what happens when you grow up in Halifax. The drive home on Sunday was good, took 180 from Abeline to Weatherford, then highway home. Saw this really cool, gigantic elk head on the side of the road. Oh, almost forgot, on the ride down got first Lone Star point in Albany. Total miles on this trip was about 600, which put me over my 1K service point. Got my 1k service done this past Monday.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Starting over

Well, it had been far too long since I posted and much has changed so I decided to delete the few posts I had and start over. One of the big changes is the fact that I purchased my Harley. A 2006 FLHTI - Electra Glide Standard in Vivid Black. So having said that I think I'll make this my blog for my Harley adventures. And that journey officially started on Friday May 5 with my purchase from American Eagle Harley Davidson in Corinth TX. Well actually it started well before that with the dreaming! I guess I ultimately made my mind up when I went to the open house demo rides at the dealer and took out a similiar bike and a couple of others. I then worked with Rod (salesguy) to track one down since there were none in stock. That took a couple of weeks, its stock except for V&H oval slip-ons, hi-flo filter and Stage 1. I picked it up the next day and for my first drive had to drive home in the rain! 35 miles later its filthy!