Monday, January 07, 2008

Is it Spring?

It was very mild this weekend! Well into the 70's both Saturday and Sunday, in fact on Saturday I wouldn't have been surprised if it didn't get close to 80 (just checked confirmed 80F at the airport)!

Saturday was the first chapter meeting of the year and the first one for the new officers. There was a very big turnout. Darlene held the LOH meeting in the main area, and it was packed, 30 women. Several of the guys were heading to San Diego following the chapter meeting, should be an interesting week for them. I don't know what kind of weather they were going to get, major storms in California which would pass by the time they get there but who knows what they will run into on the way.

Huge sales at AE on Saturday. As much as I sometimes struggle with buying some things, the prices were up to 70% off. I needed new boots, so $50 for a $140 list pair is pretty hard to pass up. We also got three jackets and some other things. Net was that all we bought was still only list for one of the jackets I bought. I'll have to keep my eye out for this next year, incredible bargains, that you don't (practically never) get at a Harley Davidson dealership.

For our ride on Saturday we had lunch with Mike and Carol then headed to Ft Worth to pick up our spices for the chili cookoff. On the way home we stopped to browse Rose's Costumes, wow, I've never seen so many costumes! We put on over 150 miles and got home for supper.

Lots of folks out riding all weekend, a lot of folks. Several from the chapter got started on their Lone Star points as well.

Sunday was a house work day, cleaning up all the Christmas stuff. Long day but its all done and we re-org'd as well. Good Stuff.

We are both planning on getting our Road Captains this year so are planning a couple of rides as required. So a bit of riding in the near future if the weather holds.

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