I've been wanting to do a little graphics project for some time and have started taking pictures for it. Yesterday at the Brass Monkey ride I took a lot of pictures to use and created my first draft at the animated gif. I want a lot more pictures and will probably have to reduce the sizes even further as when it was compiled it was over 1 mb in size. I'll try to post it here to see if it works. Also I think I will have to rethink my focal point. I had the whole back, but I may try to keep the chapter rocker as an anchor point.

Hmmmm, that didn;t work, there are 20 images in this animation, so will have to research more.... stay tuned.
Help file says Blogger does not support Animated gifs. However if you click on the image to open in a new window you can see the animation. Other option is to link to a different site, like Photobucket.
Ok, have created photobucket account, uploaded file, lets try this now.

Woo hoo it worked!!!
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