The rain let up to a moderate pace when we got to the Kentucky border so we stopped for pics. The truckers and other drivers must have thought we were nuts. Actually when we were stopped we could see fairly well....

We took a couple of scenic roads and got off the interstate around Bowling Green. After a slight detour, which ended up not being so slight, to get a National Park sign, we eventually ventured up into Bourbon Country. Along the way, on KY 31E we drove through a small town where there was a barrel factory and there was a fantastic image of an open factory door with barrels stacked high, then further around the bend was an Evan Williams truck being loaded with barrels. It would have been a great picture but we were not prepared and it was still raining. We eventually got out of the rain when we stopped for gas in Bardstown.
In Bardstown we had a treat as there are a host of distillaries in the area, including my favorite bourbon, Makers Mark. So we took a detour, spent some time at the distillary then were back on our way to Lexington. We took some very rural roads, small one lane curvy paved roads, that were great to ride, rolling hills. Throughout the roads, tobacco was being harvested and hanging in barns to dry. It was very cool. Kentucky is my new favorite state to ride in!

Once we got to Lexington, we decided that was far enough as it had been a long wet day. Thankfully we got a large hotel room to hang our wet gear throughout.

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