Bruce Rossmeyer's Ft Lauderdale Harley Davidson Drill Team
I didn't get a lot of good shots of these guys as they were the first stunt we watched. They were quite impressive however.

ILL Conduct
Have seen these guys before at American Eagle. They are pretty good and today blew up a lot of tires!

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Motorcycle Drill Team
Another drill team, also very impressive.

Seattle Cossacks Stunt Team
This was the first time I have seen these guys. They were a lot of fun and very impressive, they didn't seem to follow their script at least not to the letter, and did not use communication devices other than a whistle and voice, no mics or headsets.

Bubba Blackwell
We've also seen Bubba Blackwell before, but here in front of a large Harley lovin' audience, it was clear he was having a lot of fun. He blew up a couple of tires too!

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