Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey Day

Happy Turkey Day - aka Thanksgiving.

Tomorrow is thanksgiving, we are getting ready, will be frying a turkey and lots of other food that the boys will be cooking. Marc is going to make ratatoullie (?) courtesy of the animated movie. Actually Marc had taken quite a recent interest in cooking.

This past weekend was busy. We went to the dealership (by car!) to decorate the dealership tree Friday night, then went to Art and Lynne's wedding Saturday, at which I enjoyed the wine a bit more than I probably should have as it made me sleepy Saturday night. Sunday Ryan and I went to the museum for his Art class assignment. Got there on opening day of the Early Christian Art exhibition at the Kimball. Darlene and Buffy put a few miles on their bikes.

Tonight is dinner ride, its an unofficial one to Hooters to use some of the coupons. There is a lot of folks expected. However.... A cold front has blown in and we are expecting upwards of 40F temp drops. So Darlene will be wearing her electrics and I will just have to bulk up!

Go Cowboys!

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