Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dallas Survivor Mud Run

This popped up on my radar Thursday night, so I figured this may be cool and I should be able to get some good shots!  Well Saturday morning it was about 38F so I didn't know what to expect but it was sunny.  I got to the motocross track where they where having the event and tried to figure out how this was going to work.  The race was about 3.5 miles long and it looked tough although most of the partipants looked like they were having a good time.  It wasn't a great setup for spectators and it took me a bit of time to find a good spot but I found the mud pit at the end of the inflatable slide was about as good as it was going to get.

Here are a handful of the shots, I took a ton!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Photo Scavenger Hunt

This past Saturday we had a little scavenger hunt. It was the second one I had signed up for but the first on was cancelled due to weather and rightly so! This one was in Ft Worth Stockyards and started, at 8 am, on a Saturday... So I had to get up at 6 am on a Saturday and drive 80 minutes to Ft Worth. But you know what, it was worth it.

We only had 5 folks show up, probalby in part due to the location, but there were good shots.

The items.
1) Something Riscky (if you've been to the Stockyards, you'll get it.
2) Horns
3) Amazing
4) Spanish Influence
5) Old West
6) A sign
7) The number "5"
8) S
9) Triangle
10) Box

I think I did ok, interesting results some very literal, some not so, as were some of mine. The link to the full set of participant's pictures is here

Here are my shots, in order. I put a couple of bonus ones on the meetup site but not here.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


While I was shooting during the Photo Walk, I noticed that pretty much every door in Deep Ellum was different. Doors are always interesting, especially for the curious as the lead to "something" I had an idea, which of course is not always a good thing, but deciced I should take shots of many different doors and try to build a collage. I am certainly not a wizard in Photoshop so here is my inagural effort at a collage.
Of course picking the doors to use is quite subjective. So, here's a couple of other ones that didn't make the collage, but certainly could have.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

5th Annual Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk

Last year I partipated in the Worldwide Photo Walk for the first time. I attended the Denton one. I was a bit underwhelmed with my shots but it was fun and a good experience. I think I was a bit better prepared this year and attended the one in Dallas that was hosted by Dianna, the leader of our photo meetup group. We had a full roster, and of the 50 that signed up, I would say that there were at least 40 folks that showed up. Here are some of my favorite shots. I also took a lot of shots of doors, and have an idea of what I want to do with them, but that will take a bit of time to complete so we'll see what happens there. But for now....
I usually don't do much in the way of effects. Sometimes I'll convert to Black and White, and for this next one I did, but also did a solarize effect in B&W. Not sure if one is better than the other.