Friday, February 27, 2009

New Photography project

I think going to take on a new project, just to make sure I do this thing I've had in the back of my mind for a long time. I don't know the best way to describe but it has to do with hulking masses of abandoned and discarded mechanical equipment. This facination goes back many, many years. I guess in part back to the the old Ford graveyard on my uncles property. They always drove Ford vehicles and when they died or otherwise ended their useful life, they old cars and trucks ended up at the bottom of the field. As a kid it was cool look around, play in the vehicles (not always safe since we were shooting out lights and windows with pellet guns, etc) but see the different innovations, like pushbutton transmissions, etc.

Over the years I've taken pictures of these sites, but not to extent I would like to. Typically my shots have been more focused on individual items than "collections", but in our travels I have seen some interesting collections. And these collections appear to serve many purposes. Some are artistic, like Cadillac Ranch, some are commercial, like the wide variety of salvage yards that dot the countryside, and even then there is a subset within this commercial category. A great example of that subset is Earl Mann's Bug Shop in Ardmore, OK. I visited that yard several years ago (pre-digital) and it was great, countless VW's and in various states of dis-repair with grass growing up through them, etc. Great place for photos.

Some of the other collections appear to be just that. Some may have some commercial enterprise just by default, but the origin tends to be either like my uncle, a dumping ground for useless equipment, or perhaps a personal taste or passion by the owner and the start of a collection that has grown out of control. There is one collecition of rusted tractors, mostly smaller tractors, in a yard just west of Paris, TX that is really the inspiration for this project. I have ridden by it many times, each time thinking I need to go back and shoot.

I have seen a variety of these "boneyard" including boats, bicycles, motorcycles, tractors, lawnmowers, and lots that aren't that specific although those are as interesting to me as a specific collection.

Greg Windsor posted a couple of pictures recently of a Combine boneyard (near Canyon, TX) that I have to track down at some point. But for now, here is a teaser of Cadillac Ranch.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day After Chili

Well I must be more competitive than I thought. We came in 2nd place. Still very, very good, but I admit I was actually quite disappointed. I was really hoping to win so that we could bring the trophy back to American Eagle so we could host next year.

It was another long day, long week actually, two hockey games and still had to prepare the meat and get supplies and packed. Up fairly early Saturday and off to Bedford. It was very windy and the setup was different than the last time in Bedford, so we were quite exposed. Luckily all the canopies held and the flame never blew out till it was almost done.

The judges came back for a second sampling, so I have a feeling the competition was close. We got some very positive feedback from the tasters so overall I feel pretty good, we were recognized, but still.

Oh well, back to normal today, more home projects. Finishing details. Cut and installed trim on the french doors, hung the piece of crown moulding and did some caulking, including Ryan's bathroom. Stuff is nearing completion.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Its the big event tomorrow. The southwest regional chili cook off... Support your local HOG chapter. Spices are mixed, meat is, well lets just say we're waiting for our next job to come in...

Also on Sunday, the Krewe of Barkus will be having their parade in downtown Mckinney. Check it out.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shreveport Mardi Gras Picture Dump

A sampling of the pictures I took in Shreveport last weekend. Click on the individual shot to enlarge. As they say, every picture tells a story.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Shreveport trip

Busy week, a bit behind on my posts. We had a great trip to Shreveport, 200 miles each way, we left early Saturday and stayed off the interstates for the most part. We arrived to a good group and a good turnout. Lucky for our group, one of the guys, Steven Foster, had an in to a guest tent. We paid a small fee, got some food, a long sleeve tshirt, and primo seating for the parade. Had a lot of fun. I'll post some pics under a seperate post.

I'm not much of a gambler, and true to form, I didn't lose any money, cause I didn't gamble. However, Darlene does partake a bit and as such, we had some entertainment and value for our $$ for a while. And no, we did not win.

Monday was a holiday for us, and since we came home on Sunday, that means home project work. Actually several of our projects are getting to the point were they just need to be finished and we are getting much closer. We finished up some painting on Monday and it feels good.

Can't seem to get ahead though. This Saturday we will be in Bedford all day cooking some prize winning chili! Hopefully one of our two teams will win and we can bring next years competition back to AE and won't have to travel so far!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Prayers for David

Hey Dave, just want to let you know we are thinking and praying for you, Annette and the kids. Everyone is keeping us up to date on your progress and we are looking forward to you being back in the air and on your motorcycle.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


Long and busy weekend. Weather was quite nice, overcast and mild. So Saturday morning I washed and waxed my bike and Darlene's car. Sat night we went to some friends and learned to play blackjack in anticipation of a productive trip to Shreveport next weekend (NOT!) Anyway, we had a lot of fun even though I lost about $125 of pretend money.

We also (well Darlene) painted the bannister for the faux balcony so its pretty much ready to hang now.

Of all the household, handyman chores, Sunday was the one I hate the most. Of course we are in texas, so no, you can't have a smooth wall, you have to have textured walls and ceilings (better to hide the drywall imperfections....). So we tackled the remaining knockdown texturing we had to do. And we have this wonderful little patch kit to do about 70 square feet, including arch. After a short break to go get more media, we finished. Yes, we finished, the knockdown texturing. We are now ready to paint, and can soon hang the doors, the bannister and the crown molding. Yes, crown molding..... Be sure to stay tuned for that one!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

Darlene and I are going to a Super Bowl party this evening. Its being hosted by one of her co-workers and it should be a lot of fun. We are bringing poppers (jalepeno) and some dessert.

Go Pittsburg! Actually it really doesn't matter that much to me, I'll likely be rooting for Pittsburg even thought they are the favorites and I typically root for the underdog.

Yesterday was a nice day and we had a ride. It was for one of the charities we support, the State School in Denton. After dropping off a load of mittens and hats we did a parade of about 40 bikes around the facilities for the residents. Some of them were obviously very excited.

Then it was on to lunch at Babe's in Sanger. Babes is a popular destination for bikers, its just off FM 455 which is one of the better roads to ride in North Texas, in fact we rode several miles on it on the way home. Babes is famous for their fried chicken which it typically served family style, and they didn't dissapoint.