A series of grey days; rain, clouds, much cooler temperatures, and shades of NS, misty conditions.... What up with that? This is Texas after all. Mist, like fog only not so much. Of course when the sky does decide to open up, its much more typical. Here its almost mid October and we have well over six inches of rain has fallen already. If the leaves turned color in Texas, this would be a perfect fall. Actually if we continue to get rain, this may help the wildflowers in the spring after a dreadful past 2 years.
Anyway, a little rain and clouds never hurt anyone, we still got to ride this past weekend and I got quite a bit accomplished. And yes, for those wondering, my camera is still in the shop so no pics this posting either... Its driving me crazy!
Anyway, this past weekend was the LOH ride to Possum Kingdom. There were a lot of riding options this weekend, a lot. But with no camera, the ride to Jefferson for the Boo Benefit just didn't make sense. RC pre-ride to Hot Springs was an option but since we're not doing the fall leaf ride due to conflicts that didn't make a lot of sense either. OK State Rally in Ponca City, OK really wasn't that appealing and the route Tracey did for the LOH ride looked appealing and I figured that with the expected turnout they may need some Road Captains, so I tagged along with Darlene.
It was a great and fun ride. Mid morning departure, we actually had enough bikes for 4 pods, so I got to lead Pod 4. Primarly 407 and some other roads it was a great ride. The weather was quite cool, low 50's so got out full leathers, chaps and jacket, and actually it felt good to get all suited up. I tried my electrics on the way home but I must have a blown fuse as they didn't work which was fine as it wasn't really needed.
I rode with the group to a little "wet" spot of Graford, TX where we had lunch. Funny thing about Texas liquor laws. Here we are in this very small town, the lunch spot, a cafe, doesn't even have a sign, although there were lots of seats. One gas station, and three liquor stores. Not much else going on, practically a modern ghost town with a pretty barren main street and abandoned storefronts. But the burgers were huge and good!
From there the ladies carried on to the Resort at PK, where apparently the carrying on carried on well into the wee hours..... I took a more southernly route with Holly and Matt and Robin through Palo Pinto and along FM4 (awesome! thanks guys) to IH 20 and back home. I am quite sure I have ridden at least part of FM 4 previously but maybe not. Its also very near the Brazos river, and I saw some familiar spots from previous canoe trips with Ryan and Boy Scouts.
275 miles this trip. Sunday I had to do a pre-ride and put on a few more...
Still this temperature and sunny, a match made in paradise...