Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lewis Kaulback

I just spoke with Mom and Dad. Dad told me that Uncle Louie (Lewis Kaulback) had passed yesterday. Louie had been sick all winter and when he finally went to the hospital he was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer (I believe) although it had also spread significantly and had a short time left. From what I understand he spent the last few weeks at home under care with family attending. Dad and the girls went up this past weekend and knew the time was close.

There are a few very special people in my life and he is one of them. In fact the whole family is. Angelina is Dad’s sister and I have always considered their home a welcome extension of my own. Their homestead, in Middle Stewiake, will always be one of my favorite places on earth, as is Bear Cove. With the exception of times like these I have no bad memories of my times spent there. The farm, the woods, the river. The animals, yes, even the memories of the barns, of course I didn’t have to work the animals, but that was all part of my upbringing. And most of all the people, the food, the stories and the great times, of which there were countless.

Uncle Louie, you will be missed by all those whose lives you’ve touched, and especially mine.

Lewis Kaulback 1936-2008

1 comment:

Rebe_sharpe said...

Lewis Kaulback is my grandfather. I am Vincent Kaulback's step daughter.