Sunday, March 22, 2009

LA State Rally

This was the first time I have been to the Louisiana State HOG Rally and I must say I enjoyed it greatly. This year it was in Shreveport so it was almost too convenient to miss, just a short 200 miles. We left mid-afternoon Friday and took interstate the whole way, getting in around 6:30 pm. Thanks to Kim and Glen once again for putting up with us and sharing a room for the weekend.

We hung around Saturday, toured the rally site, went to the dealers and didn't do any rides this time around. Although there were a few to do including a Bonnie and Clyde ride that would have been pretty cool.

Relatively early night Saturday night and a good early trip home today got us in before noon for breakfast with the boys. The wind was picking up and we got a bit the last hour or so, but the first hour was awesome with a clear sky and low sunlight at our back.

We ran into several other Eagles and hung out at the concert Saturday night for a bit.

Two words of wisdom. Don't drink Margarita's in Styrofoam cups (I think the alcohol causes the petrochemicals to leach out and cause slight poisoning.... Really) and don't eat a Funnel Cake around Darlene.

Here's some shots from the weekend, including an awesome totally chromed bike and other sights.

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