Thursday, May 24, 2012


I have in the past belonged to the Plano Photography Club and let my membership lapse.  I recently attended a session and am planning on going back but not sure if I'l fully renew or not.  The meetings are once a month on a Monday and that will likely be a travel day.  However, I have also discovered and have joined and attended a couple of photography meetup groups.  I've only attended a couple to this point but so far have enjoyed and looking forward to many more.  To date they have been smaller groups of folks and a bit more intimate than the PPC meetings and outings.   Some of the meetups are run by professionals and therefore may have a cost associated but conversely they are quite educational.

One I belong to is a local group, focused more on the social aspect of a group of folks with a common interest.  It's the North Texas Photo Explorers.   I attended a meetup in Frisco on 4/27 and got a couple of nice shots and we ate at Babe's Chicken.  There were only three of us but I am planning on  attending at least one meetup this weekend.

I've also started shooting more in RAW format and it seems to be paying off a bit.  Still need to improve my PS skills though.....

Train Locomotive rivets and reflection

Frisco Heritage Village at dusk

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