Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rat in da kitchen

Well not really but in the AC unit. We were outside working on the fence when the upstairs unit came on and wham, wham, wham. the thing started making a racket. I was thinking oh no, I hate repairs!!!! I popped the breaker and went over to see what was going on. I was met with a horrific smell and obvious visual cues that a small animal had met its demise. Of course we can't just leave the poor thing there lest it really begin to stink, so I did the honorable thing and tore apart the unit to retrieve (what was left of) the carcass. It was actually a rat, and a fairly large one at that...

Gates done, final inspection can be done, keep fingers crossed.... After that plaster, and firing up the equipment.

Ride this weekend to Meers OK for lunch then on to Lone
Wolf to stay at the Quartz Mountain resort. Should be a nice area and if we get there early enough maybe some cool sights to see.

The gaming computer is coming along, a few hiccups along the way but its the first computer we (mostly Ryan) have built.

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