Thursday, January 22, 2009

Crazy Texas Weather

I rode to work yesterday but took my truck today as I had some errands to run. Tomorrow I plan on riding again.

Interesting weather, sunny, dry, dry for weeks actaully, we are really in need of some rain and some sustained rain. And this dry weather is making for some interesting temperatures.

Yesterday it got fairly mild, it may have reached 70 but not sure. Today it will definately get into the mid 70s and tomorrow its supposed to get into the low 80's. But the real interesting thing was the low temperatures this morning. In Mckinney, which is a bit of a low point, it was 25F. Yet just west of Ft Worth, it was 50F, within 40-60 miles, east/west and with no front, there is a 25 degree variance. This afternoon the temperature will be much more consistent throughout.

The weather guy blamed it on the dry conditions, with the temperatures. He compared it to the desert, where is so dry and the temperature variation between day and night can be significant.

Of course this weekend we will have another cold front, cold and windy and generally miserable on Saturday. If we're lucky we'll get some rain.

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