Thursday, February 22, 2007

Spring Has Sprung!

Wow, what a gorgeous week! Another day forecast in upper 70's. Yesterday was the dinner ride, since the weather was so nice, we rode. Its the first dinner ride we have ridden our bikes in several weeks. Maybe even since November or December. We've taken our cars since then and each ride there has been few bikes, probably no more than 5 or 6 on average. Well you could tell it was the first nice day in a long time yesterday. We had 50 bikes on the ride and a total of 78(?) people I think at the restaurant. That's probably as big a dinner ride as I've been on.

Lots of new faces and some that we haven't seen in a while so that was all good, other than the fact that we probably overwhelmed the restaurant!

Also, Lindsey E was in town, so he joined us over at the restuarant. He had fun, not sure it was what he was expecting or prepared for... So I buy him 50-50 tickets, and he wins a prize! He'll be back in town next week and will likely come out to house to see the boys.

Almost forgot. Its getting into riding season again. We have t-storms forecast for weekend but if weather holds, the regional chili cookoff in Bedford, and a lunch ride on Sunday. woo-hoo!

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