Monday, July 14, 2008

RC Graduation

I have officially gone from a RCIT (Road Captain in Training) to RC (Road Captain). At the chapter meeting on Saturday, Holly promoted the rest of the RCITs. I guess its crunch time now, as for the past couple of months I'm not been riding a lot, for a variety of reasons, and have probably the least RC experience of the group. No worries though, just need to find the time.

There was a good turn out at the chapter meeting on Saturday, actually a very good turn out, which was suprising for the middle of summer. Got to catch up with a few folks, including Paul and Michelle, post wreck. Paul seems to be doing very well but is still moving quite slowly. I am sure he is anxious to get his bike back so he can truly assess the damage and get it back on the road.

Darlene put her bike in for some service, in preperation of out Milwaukee trip. 35K service, an easy clutch, and cam chain tensioner inspection. Hopefully it will be ready on Wednesday for the dinner ride.

We had a birthday celebration for Marc yesterday, lots of pool fun. They looked like they had a great time.

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