Friday, September 05, 2008

Milwaukee trip - Day 7

This morning we have our Museum visit scheduled for 9:30. We make it down there (courtesy of the wonderful American Legion breakfast) with time to spare. Wow, lots and lots of bikes and folks. The team is quite well organized and handling the traffic very well. We even get some cool free plastic kickstand pads!

Definitely worth visiting. Beautiful collections of motorcycles, and other Harley related artifacts. The museum was packed with visitors, would like to go back when there are fewer people and take more time as there is some really intersting stuff here. Plan on a couple of hours at least to do it right.

After the Museum, we made our way down to Summerfest Grounds for the first day of the 105th celebrations. The Summerfest Grounds are a very impressive venue. The food and other concessions were very good as well. On the grounds there were 5 seperate stages for a variety of bands as well as other venues throughout Milwaukee. There was pretty much always some entertainment going on. We watched a couple of bands, went to HOG Island, watched the Motorcops competition, and at the end of the night, listened (as we couldn't get close enough) to ZZ Top. Driving home was a bit crazier than the previous night but once we got out of town we were fine. This was it for us as Saturday would be a departure day for us.

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